Bidang Study : Bahasa Inggris Jenis Madrasah : Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri
Kelas/Semester : IX (Sembilan) / I (Satu) Kurikulum : KTSP
Alokasi Waktu : 120 Menit Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda dan Esai
Tahun Pelajaran : 2010/2011 Jumlah Soal : 45 Soal
Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL)
Uraian Soal
No Soal
Tingkat Kesulitan
1.1. Menentukan gambaran ummum, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk “caution”
On your new position
My sweetheart, Diana
Always believe in you
Listen to your heart
Know you can…..
The notice above means that ……….
a. The square is free for parking our bike.
b. The square is permitted for parking our bike.
c. We are not forbidden to park our car on the square.
d. We are not allowed to park our bike on the square.
2. Read the following caution!
What does it mean?
a. Children should keep reaching the thing.
b. Children unable to reach the thing.
c. Children forbidden to reach the thing.
d. Children should permit to reach the thing.
3. The following warning means …….
Do not aim the camera directly into the sun or at other intense
light resource that could damage your eyesight.
a. It will be good if we take the picture of the sun.
b. It will be better if we take the picture of other intense light source.
c. If we aim the camera directly into the sun we will have a problem.
d. Our eyes might be in danger if the camera is aimed into the sun or intense light resource.
4. Study the notice!
What does the notice above mean?
We don’t have to dry our hand.
We can’t use our hand to dry something.
We should use the dryer to dry our hands.
We should use our hand to dry something.
5. The following notice, means that people should … when they walk.
a. be careful
b. be noticed
c. have steps
d. use watch
6. Where do you usually find the sign?
a. At railway station
b. At a bus station.
c. At a station wagon.
d. At a petrol station.
Dear Harry,
Congratulations! You’ve got your scholar degree! Great!
Sorry I couldn’t be with you on your inauguration day.
Hope you’ll get a good job soon.
Your loving,
7. Riri expressed apologizes for …..
a. not getting scholar degree.
b. not coming to his inauguration.
c. not getting good job soon.
d. not accompanying Harry everyday.
8. Why does Riri congratulate Harry?
a. He has finished his study.
b. He has got a good job.
c. He will continue his study.
d. He has been accepted in Senior High School.
9. Congratulation!
Dear Susan,
As you graduate today
I pray that you will know
How very proud I am of you
Though it may not always show
I thank the Lord everyday
For all He’s done in you
And through the years that lie
Know God walks there, too.
With love,
a. Susan has just finished praying.
b. Susan has just graduated from her school.
c. Susan has just won a contest.
d. Susan has just been very successful in her business.
On your new position,
My sweetheart, Diana.
Always believe in you.
Listen to your heart
Trust your instinct.
Know you can …
10. Who has just received a promotion?
a. Diana b. Caca
c. My sweetheart d. You
To Andre
You did it your way
And I couldn’t be
Happier for you
On your achievement as the best participant in the story telling contest for the Junior High School level for the year 2010.
11. Elena congratulates Andre because he …….
a. achieves better way.
b. becomes the best participant in the contest.
c. is good at telling a story.
d. has tried his best to tell story.
1.2. Menentukan gambaran ummum, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk kartu ucapan (greeting card)
1.3. Menentukan gambaran ummum, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, makna kata/frasa/kalimat dalam teks berbentuk pesan pendek (short message)
Short Message
1. Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam teks berbentuk pesan pendek email
From : Fika
To : ratih
ishere@yahoo.comHi Ratih, what’s up girl? Long time no see, huh? Hope everything’s OK with you.
I’m writing this e-mail to confirm about your invitation. I was very excited to receive your invitation. So, I will surely come to your party, girl.
By the way, can I bring a company with me? I have to bring my brother, Ardi, to accompany me, otherwise my mother won’t permit me to go to your party. Is that okay?
Thank you ones again for inviting me. I’m locking forward to hearing from you soon.
1. Who will come to the party?
a. Fika will
b. Ratih Will
c. Fika and her brother will
d. Ratih and fika will
I have to bring my brother, berarti fika akan dating kepesta dengan sudaranya
TOPS, Airlangga
Short Message
Menentukan pikiran utama dalam pesan pendek email
2. The email is talking about …………………………
a. Denying on invitation
b. Confirmation and invitation
c. Invitation someone
d. Asking a friend
Pikiran utama dari email tersebut adalah untuk mengkorfimasi undangan
TOPS, Airlangga
Menentukan rujukan kata dalam pesan pendek email
3. “I was very excited to receive your invitation.” The underline word can be best replaced by……………….
a. disappointed
b. happy
c. upset
d. annoyed
Excited = happy yaitu gembira/senang
TOPS, Airlangga
Short messsage
Menentukan informasi tersirat dalam SMS
I’ll go 2 your house ………………..
4 study together
C. U. at 2 PM
4. When will Ryan Study?
a. In the evening
b. In the morning
c. In the afternoon
d. At night
Ryan akan belajar pukul 2 siang
TOPS Airlangga
Short messsage
Menentukan makna kata
5. What is the meaning of C. U ?
a. see you
b. care you
c. call you
d. she and you
C. U adalah see you sampai nanti
TOPS Airlangga
1.4. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)
Menentukan pikiran utama undangan
It’s a surprise party, but don’t tell a soul……
Brian and jean Fontenot
Have made it so silver
And are on their way to gold!
Please join us to celebrate
Their 25th Anniversary
Saturday, September 3rd
8.00 PM
The Martin Home, 350 Greenwood drive
RSVP by August 25th
Sarah Martin
6. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. to ask for information
b. to describe something
c. to invite someone
d. to give warning
Please join us to celebrate. Silahkan bergabung dengan kami untuk merayakan ... (adalah ungkapan mengundang)
TOPS, Airlangga
1.4. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)
Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat undangan
7. Which of the following statements is true about the text?
a. The party will be held in the morning
b. The sender of the invitation is Brian Fontenot
c. Brian and Jen Fontenot will secretly give away silver and gold
d. The party is held to celebrate Brian and Jen Fontenot 25th anniversary
Undangan untuk merayakan pesta ulang tahun pernikahan Brian dan Jen yang ke-25
TOPS, Airlangga
1.4. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)
Menentukan informasi tersurat undangan
8. Who invites to join the party?
a. Sarah martin does
b. Brian Fontenot does
c. Jen Fontenot does
d. Green wood does
Sarah martin mengundang para tamu untuk merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan orang tuanya. Pesta ini adalah surprised/kejutan untuk orang tuanya.
Tops, Airlangga
1.4. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)
Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat dari dari undangan
Read the text and answer questions
Please joins us
In celebrating the graduation of :
From SMP kebangsaan
Saturday, 12 May 2009
At 4.00 pm
Bogor Convention Center
Jln. Padjajaran 25 Bogor
Mr. and Mrs. Tanoto
Please RSVP by April 15th
Lia – (0251) 123-4567
9. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
a. Mr. and Mrs. Tanoto is working for SMP kebangsaan
b. Johan Tanoto has just finished his study
c. Johan Tanoto lives in Bogor Convention center
d. People should call Lia to see Johan Tanoto
Undangan untuk merayakan kelulusan Johan Tanoto dari SMP
TOPS, Airlangga
1.4. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk undangan (invitation)
Menentukan makna kalimat dari undangan
10. If you want to come to the party, you should…………………..
a. Make a deal first
b. Bring the invitation card
c. Know Mr. and Mrs. Tanoto
d. Call Lia first
Please RSUP-LIA berarti jika datang harus menghubungi Lia terlebih dahulu
TOPS, Airlangga
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Di sajikan dalam bentuk teks undangan siswa dapat menentukan rujukan kata yang benar
Invitation Letter
Dear Anggy,
We’ll move to a new house on Sudirman Street. I invite you to come on / at :
Date : May 7 th , 2010
Time : 09.00 am
Place : Sudirman Street 5, Jombang
I wait for you there. Thanks for coming.
What is the content of the letter ?
A. Heru invites Anggy to come to his new house.
B. Heru invites Anggy to follow him to stay in a new house.
C. Anggy wants Heru to invite him personally in a new house.
D. Anggy will wait for Heru in his new house.
We’ll move to a new house on Sudirman Street.I invite you to come on /at…. Jadi isi surat undangan itu Heru mengundang Anggy untuk datang kerumah barunya
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Di sajikan dalam bentuk teks undangan siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersurat dengan benar
What does Heru want Anggy to do ?
A. To paint Heru’s new house.
B. To come to Heru’s new house
C. To stay in Heru’s new house.
D. To repair Heru’s new house alone.
We’ll move to a new house on Sudirman Street.I invite you to come on /at…
Sudah jelas Heru ingin Anggy datang kerumah barunya
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
. Di sajikan dalam bentuk teks undangan siswa dapat menentukan jenis teks.
Dear Tudi,
Next Sunday , On June 7 th ,2010, I want to celebrate my 14 th birthday. I invite you to come to my house at 08.00 am. The place is at Kartini Street 45 , Jombang.
Don’t forget to be on time. I’m looking forward for your coming.
What kind of text is it ?
A. Formal letter. C. Report.
B. Invitation letter. D. News.
I invite you to
come to my house at 08.00
jadi teks diatas ditulis untuk mengundang
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Di sajikan dalam bentuk teks undangan siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersurat dengan benar
When was Barbara born ?
A. On the seventh of June 1999 C. On the seventh of June 2010.
B. On the twentieth of June 1998 D. On the tenth of June 2010
Next Sunday, On June 7 th 2010, I want to celebrate my 14 th birthday.Dari kalimat itu kita bisa menentukan kapan Barbara dilahirkan
Teks fungsional pendek berbentuk undangan
Disajikan dalam bentuk teks undangan siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dengan benar.
“ Don’t forget to be on time.”
The similar meaning of the underlined phrase is …….
A. Greedy. C. Generous
B. Diligent. D. Punctual
On time similar sedang with punctual
1.5. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk pengumuman (announcement)
1.6. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk diskriptif (descriptive)
1.7. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk “recount”
Reading ”’recount”
Mentukan gambaran umum dari bacaan
Last holiday, my classmates and I went on a trip to see the Grojogan sewu waterfalls. We left from school at sevn in the morning. We Arrived on the waterfall site at nine o’clock.
It was a nice place, especially the waterfall, is it so high, not less than 100 metres tall. The air was fresh, and the water tall. The air was fresh, and the water from up was so clear and cool. Some of us played with water and the other just watched the scenery and sang songs together.
At noon. We had lunch together at about 3 pm, we left for home, we were happy.
The text is about ……………………….
a. a long vacation
b. a boring experience
c. the grojogan sewu
d. a nice holiday experience
Berdasar (we were happy) jadi jadi bacaan itu tentang berlibur yang menyenangkan
Detik-detik UN
Menentukan pikiran utama
The main idea of paragraph one is…………………..
a. The situation is grojogan sewu waterfall
b. What the student did on the site
c. The student’s trip last holiday
d. How the students felt on their holiday
P.I. Menjelaskan tentang piknic yang dilakukan penulis dan temannya
Menentukan informasi rinci tersirat
How long did the students spend their time in grojogan sewu waterfalls?
a. two hours
b. four hours
c. six hours
d. seven hours
Penulis sampai pukul 09.00 dan pulang pukul 3 sore, berarti di lokasi selama 6 jam
Recount text
Menemukan gambaran umum
Last week, Jordan’s wife had an accident. His youngest child, Michael, was at home when it happened. He was playing with his with his new toy car. Jordan had given it to him the week before, for his third birthday.
Suddenly Michael heard his mother calling “help! Help!” He ran to the kitchen. He saw crying with pain and the pan was on fire.
Jordan had gone to his office. Both the other children had gone to school. Michael was too frightened to speak sensibly to her. But he ran to the neighbors to come and help his mother. They soon put out the fire and took Michael’s mother to the hospital.
When Jordan come home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud of his son. “When you are a man, you will be just like your father”, she said.
The text discusses …………………………
a. a kind neighbor
b. a wife who was sick
c. a husband to meet
d. a son to be proud of
Dari apa yang dilakukan oleh anaknya membuat orang tuannya bangga
UN 09/10
Menentukan informasi rinci yang tersurat
Paragraph 3 tell the reader about ………………………………………
a. How michael help his mother
b. What happened to michael’s neighbors
c. What michael’s father did to his mother
d. The pride that Michael has shown to his parents.
Paragraph 3 menceritakan tentang bagaimana michael berusaha menolong ibunya
Recount text
Mengetahui makna / synonim dari frasa
They son put out the fire and took Michaels mother to the clinic. The phrase “put out” is similar meaning to …………….
a. extinguish
b. release
c. publish
d. ruin
Put out = memadamkan, extinguish = mematikan/memadamkan
Recount Text
Menemukan gambaran umum
One day Riko was walking home from school. He saw a man coming out of a shop. The man was carrying a lot of things. He was walking toward his car.
Suddenly something fell from his pocket. Riko saw it, but the man did not realize it. Riko ran and picked up thing. It was a wallet.
Rico called the man and said that his wallet fell off. Thee man stopped and turned around. He come to Riko. Then Riko gave the wallet to him.
After receiving it, the man opened the wallet and took out some money. He wanted to give the money to Riko as a reward.
But Riko refused it by saying that he didn’t want the money. He just wanted to help him.
The man smiled and said that it was all right and he was not going to give him away money. One thing that the man wanted Riko to do was that Riko let the man take him home. Riko agreed and got into the man’s car.
In the car, they talked about Riko’s school. Riko was telling him about his friends. When they arrived at Riko’s house, the man told Riko’s parent about what happened.
Riko’s parent were very proud of their son.
What is the purpose of the text …………………………
a. to tell past event
b. to amuse the people
c. to describe riko
d. to persuade the man to take riko home.
Dengan mengenali jenis bacaan maka tujuan dari bacaan itu adalah menceritakan peristiwa masa lalu
Recount Text
Menemukan informasi rinci yang tersurat
What is Riko? He was a …………………..
a. shopkeeper
b. porter
c. student
d. safety guard
Kalimat ”Riko walking home from school” berarti Riko adalah seorang murid
Menemukan informasi rinci yang tersurat
What did the man do with Riko after he had received his wallet? He …………..
a. Asked Riko some money
b. Gave the wallet to riko
c. Opened the wallet and let Riko go home
d. Took Riko home
Berdasarkan pada kalimat ”the man take him home”
1.8. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk “procedure”
1.9. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk “narrative”
Text berbentuk Narrative.
1. Disajikan soal berbentuk narrative, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi jenis text narrative.
2. Disajikan soal dari text berbentuk Narrative, siwa dapat menemukan rujukan kata
3. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk narrative, Siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersirat dari text berbentuk narrative.
A Beautiful Girl And The Prince
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Sarah, who lived with her step mother. She was a very domineering, greedy and egoistical woman and she hated Sarah a lot.
One day when her father was working out side, the step mother hit Sarah and expelled her from the house. She went outside and walked far away from the house. Suddenly she saw a big melon farm and went into it. After that she hid in a big melon. She used to go out of the melon and get her food.
One day the prince visited the farm and saw the big melon. " Cut this melon, I want to eat it ". The prince said. The guards started to cut the melon but they heard a sound from it. Sarah said, " Don't cut me please"! They were all surprised for this situation. The prince said, " Who are you ? Don't fear, please come out". After that she came out and the prince fell in love with her. She told him her story so the prince decided to marry her and they lived happily ever after.
1.The passage above belongs to … text.
a. descriptive
b. narrative
c. recount
d. recount
2. “Cut this melon, I want to eat it”
The word “I” refers to ….
a. the writer
b. the reader
c. the prince
d. Sarah
3. What kind of moral value can we take from thestory above ?
a. We must be patient in our life
b. We must not be lazy in our life
c. We must be greedy in pour life
d. We must be tidy in our life
Menggunakan Verb 2 dan terdapat Complication di dalam teks tersebut
Kalimat itu merupakan kalimat langsung ( ucapan dari The Prince)
Tercermin dari sifat sarah yang terdapat pada paragraph 2 dan 3.
Text berbentuk Narrative
4. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk narrative, siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersurat dari bacaan
5. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk narrative, siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu dari bacaan
6. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk Narrative, siswa dapat menemukan gambaran umum dari bacaan.
Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of the heavy flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
Few days later an old man, with long grey beard, passed by his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said " I don't have any expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.
A week later to his outmost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, the live hood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it's already too late.
4. What happened to the farmer livestock ?
a. They were all eaten by the wild animal
b. They were all stolen
c. They were all slaughtered
d. They were swept away by flood
5. Who gave the goose to
a. It dropped from heaven
b. The old man gave the goose to the farmer
c. God gave the goose to the farmer
d. A fairy gave the goose to the farmer
6. What did the story teach us?
a. It taught us not to forget a good deed
b. It taught us not to pray to God
c. It taught us foolishness did not pay
d. It taught us not to be greedy
DpParagraph 2. Terdapat kata “lost....livestock because of the heavy flood.
He gave him a goose. Kalimat tersebut terdapat pada paragraph 2. Kata ”He” dalam kalimal itu merujuk pada ”The old man” sedangkan kata ”him” merejuk pada farmer. Jika disimpulkan kalimat tersebut sama dengan The old man gave the farmer a goose.
Paragraph 6. The greedy farmer ….lost his patients…..pada paragraph 7 Though he very much regretted…… Dari kalimat kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan seharusnya dia tidak greedy (rakus) supaya tidak regretted (menyesal)
Text berbentuk Narrative
7. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk Narrative, siswa dapat menentukan informasi tersurat dari bacaan
8. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk Narrative, siswa dapat menemukan makna kata ( synonym)
9. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk Narrative, siswa dapat menemukan informasi tertentu.
10. Disajikan soal dari teks berbentuk Narrative, siswa dapat menemukan informasi tersirat
Long a go on the top of Mount Kinabalu in Borneo, there lived a dragon. He owned a large and beautiful pearls. People believed that he controlled the weather with it.
The emperor of China heard this and wanted the pearls. He sent his two son, Wee Ping and Wee San to Borneo to steal it. The princes, together with one hundred soldiers, set sail for Borneo in twelve sailing junks.
When they arrived in Borneo they set out immediately to find the famous mountain. Their journey up the rugged slopes of mount Kinabalu proved very difficult. The dragon guarded his cave very fiercely and killed many of their soldiers.
Then Wee San had a clever idea. He climbed a tall tree, so he could see the dragon's cave. He noted what time the dragon left his cave to hunt for food and what time he returned to it.
Next he ordered his men to make a fake pearl and a large kite. He waited until the dragon left his cave. Then he placed the fake pearl in a bag, slung it across his shoulder and flew up to the mountain-top on the kite. He exchanged the real pearl for the fake one and then his brother pulled his kite back to the ground.
The brother quickly returned to their ships and set sail for China. They sailed safely home. The Emperor was thrilled with the pearl and gave a big party to celebrate his son's return.
7. Who was Wee San?
a. An Emperor from China.
b. A dragon of Borneo.
c. A son of Emperor.
d. A Borneo's son.
8. "... his men to make a fake pearl and large kite" (paragraph 5)
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Expensive
b. Valuable.
c. Luxurious
d. False.
9. The above text is written to ... .
a. describe something important.
b. inform about a good event.
c. criticize certain persons.
d. Amuse the readers.
10. Paragraph 5 shows ... of the problem.
a. the evaluation
b. the complication
c. the resolution
d. the re orientation
Tersurat pada paragraph 2
Kata “fake” berarti palsu.
a. Expensive = mahal
b. Valuable. =berharga
c. Luxurious = mewah
d. False = palsu
Teks berbentuk narrative. Sedangka tujuan teks narrative secara umum adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca.
Jalan keluar / pemecahan masalah terdapat pada paragraph 5
1.10. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk label
Boring experience
1.11. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk “laporan”
Teks report
Disajikan teks rimpang sejenis report. Siswa dapat menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks laporan (report) yang pendek
Complete the paragraph with suitable word.
Habitat and ecosystems
All plants and animals are subject to wide …(1)… of environmental factors. The physical environmental is …(2)… by the air, wather, climates and soil type at particular location, the biological …(3)… consist of all the plants and animal living there. The combinations on these two environment, the psycal and the …(4)… form that is called the habitat og particular …(5)… each spesies can living only in its own kind of habitat.
1. A. variety C. series
B. range D. collections
2. A. classified C. grouped
B. categorized D. determined
3. A. surrounding C. community
B. environment D. Society
4. A. natural C. biological
B. life D. organic
5. A. species C. typed
B. classed D. soried
Tornado is powerfull, twisting windstorm. Is it one the most …(6)… of all stroms that we have on earth. A tornado is called a water sprout. A teonado is long cloud whuch comes from the sky. It is like a tunnel and consist of …(7)… which whirls around and around extremely …(8)… in fact, the wind can reach a speed of more than 900 km per hour. Weather …(9)… are unable to know exactly when a tornado will occur. …(10)… , the tornado usually is not big and it does not last long.
6. A. constructive C. Destructive
B . Contrict D. descend
7. A. Oxygen C. Water
B. Air D. Wind
8. A. Fast C. Weak
B. Slow D. Late
9. A. Author C. Write
B. Expert D. Scientiests
10. A. Fortunately C. Probably
B. Unfortunately D. Lowly
Report text, ”fauna”.
Siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat
Read the text and answer question no ……..
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all. Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous system for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy water near the north and south poles.
1. Which one is true about the jellyfish based on the text?
They belong to invertebrate animals.
They have heads like other animals
Their brain helps them find the food
They cannot live in fresh water
UNAS 08/09
Siswa dapat menentukan gambaran umum dalam teks report
2. What is the text about?
a. Kinds of all fish
b. All invertebrate animal
c. Jellyfish
d. Some kinds of sea animals
UNAS 08/09
Siswa mampu menentukan makna kata dalam teks report
3. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. (paragraph 3).
The word “glow” in the sentence means……………..
a. move
b. produce
c. appears
d. shine
UNAS 08/09
Siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam teks report
4. Which one creates jellyfish’s light?
a. White blood
b. Nervous system
c. Chemical reactions
d. Salt water
UNAS 08/09
Report teks ”Mass Media”
Siswa dapat menentukan makna kata dalam teks report
Read the text and answer question no ……..
Magazine are periodicals that appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly. They usually contain news article and stories from various writers. Some magazines are intended for special groups of readers, like children, teenager or women. Some other specialize in certain fields of interest, like science, music or computer.
Newspapers are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday.
Tabloids are publications that are printed on large sheets of paper. They contain news and articles of general interest. They are issued everyday.
Tabloids are very similar to newspaper. They look alike, but tabloids are similar in size. Tabloids are also similar to magazine because they deal with specific fields of interest. They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
They usually appear weekly, fortnightly or monthly.” (paragraph 3). The word fortnightly has the similar meaning to ………………
once a week
once a month
once two week
once a year
Gemilang UAN, Prediksi dan Pelatihan UN
Siswa dapat menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks report
6. They contain news and article…..” (paragraph 2). What does the word they refer to?
a. Newspaper
b. Stories
c. New article
d. Various writers
Gemilang UAN, Prediksi dan Pelatihan UN
Siswa dapat menentukan pokok pikiran dalam text report
Read the text and answer question no ……..
Fish live in water and have fins that help them swim. Most fish have slimy skins covered with scales that are very small and can hardly be seen.
Fish breathe through gills. These look like a comb and lie in each side of the head. Fish take a breathe in water all the time. The water flows in through the mouth over the gills and out through the side of the head. When a fish takes in water. It is not drinking, but breathing. The gills absorb oxygen from the water.
The body of fish is made up of the head, the trunk, and the tail fin. There are many different kinds of fish. Some fish are long and thin while others are flat and rounded. Most fish have bodies that are broad at the trunk region and narrow toward the head and tail.
What does the second paragraph tell us about?
the way how fish breathe
the place where fish live
parts of the fish’s body
how the fish live
Siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam text report
8. Which of the following is NOT CORRECT about fish?
a. the function of the fins is to swim
b. A fish is breathing when it takes in water
c. Gill is the organ through which fish breathe
d. Gill is the organ through which fish drink
Siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam text report
Read the text and answer question no ………………….
A Galaxy is a collection of start and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets, and asteroid, held together by gravity.
Galaxy come in different shapes and size. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky way, is approximately 100.000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion of stars.
The center of galaxies can contain many young, very hot starts as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the center.
At this time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more about them every day.
What hold stars, planets, comets and asteroids?
magnetic force
Siswa dapat menentukan informasi rinci tersurat dalam text report
10. Below is one of the shapes of galaxies, except……………
a. spiral
b. cloudy
c. elliptical
d. barrel spiral
1.11. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk iklan (advertisement)
Kacang Atom
High quality and great taste snacks
Keep in refrigerator to keep it crispy
Nutrition information:
Nerving Size : 30 g
Serving per package : + 7
Per Serving:
Total energy : 160 Kcal
Energy from fat : 90 Kcal % AKG
Total fat 10g 18%
Protein 4g 8%
Total Carbohydrate 14g 4%
Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
Natrium/Sodium 210g 9%
Calium/Potassium 110g 3%
Not significant source of vitamin A and vitamin C
Percent daily values are based on a 2,000 calories diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
1. Which nutrition has the highest percentage in Kacang Atom Garuda?
a. Iron
b. Sodium
c. Fat
d. Protein
2. Where do we keep the snac k make it crispy?
a. In the jar
b. In the refrigerator
c. In the cupboard
d. In the can
Serving Size : 1 sachet (20g)
Total Fat 2,4g 4%
Saturated fat 2g 10%
Sodium 20mg 1%
Total carbohydrate 16g 5%
Sugars 9g
Protein 1g
Sugars, non-dairy Creamer, Instant Coffee
Empty the contents of one sachet coffee into a cup.
Add 150cc hot water (800)
Stir and serve
Best Before:
3. How many materials do we need to make a cup of coffee mix?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
4. Which nutrition fact has the fewest percentage in the coffee mix?
a. carbohydrate
b. sodium
c. saturate fat
d. fat
YOU. C1000
Vitamin Lemon
Healthy Inside
Fresh Outside
In a bottle (140 ml) contains:
Vitamin C 100 mg
Energy 65 cal
Protein 0 g
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrate 16 g
Sugar 6 g
Natrium 99 g
Vitamin B1 1.0 g
Vitamin E 2.3 g
Niacin 2.3 g
Under license by House Wellness Food Japan
5. What does YOU.C1000 moctly contain?
a. Natrium
b. Vitamin C
c. Energy
d. Carbohydrate
2.1. Menentukan gambaran umum, pikiran utama, informasi rinci tersurat, informasi tersirat, rujukan kata, makna kata/frasa/kalimat teks berbentuk letter
2.2. Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks laporan (report) yang pendek
2.3. Menentukan susunan kata yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat
2.4. Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat kalimat.
Teks fungsional pendek
Disediakan kalimat acak, siswa dapat menyusun menjadi paragrap yang tepat
Arrange the following sentences into a good order.
How to set up your TV set
Be sure not to plug your TV set into an electrical outlet until you read these instruction.
1. Finally, plug it into an electrical outlet. Turn it on and enjoy the programe.
2. Next, put it in a suitable place. Try not to expose it to direct sunlight.
3. Then, take the TV set out off the box. Don’t forget to remove the plastic bags around the speakers.
4. First of all, make sure to open the box carefully. Don’t drop it. It’s fragile.
5. After that, remember to attack the wires from the speakers to the main unit.
6. If you don’t want to enjoy the programe just turn it off.
The correct answer is ……………….
a. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6
b. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 5
c. 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 6
d. 4 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 1
Susunan urutan langkah biasanya dimulai dari first, then, after that, next dan seterusnya.
Prediksi UN 2011
Recount text
Disajikan sebuah teks berbentuk recount, siswa dapat menyusun menjadi paragraph yang benar
Arrange the sentences to make good paragraph
1. He touched it, lifted it, took it home, and dried it
2. It’s feathers were wet and it looked tired and cold
3. One morning Jacob found a pigeon on the ground
4. The pigeon lay there thought it was dead
5. The dryer kept it warm and after a while the pigeon looked alive
The correct answer is ……………………..
a. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 5
b. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5
c. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1
d. 3 – 4 - 1 – 5 – 2
Susunan yang benar adalah 3-4-2-1-5
Prediksi UN 2011
Like and dislike
Disajikan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk dialog, siswa dapat menyusun menjadi sebuah dialog yang benar
Arrange the sentences to make a good dialog
(1) Amin : Don’t mention it.
(2) Hamid : I’m afraid it is not very good because there are too many jazz songs that I do not recognize.
(3) Amin : Oh yes, I like it very much. How about the music magazine I gave you. Do you like that?
(4) Amin : Oh, sory! But I promise to change it with another one.
(5) Hamid : Thanks, Amin.
(6) Hamid : Do you like the magazine I bought yesterday?
The correct answer is …………………….
a. 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 -1 - 5
b. 6 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1
c. 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 5 - 1
d. 6 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 - 1
Susunan yang benar adalah
6 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 5 - 1
Buku paket Bhs.Inggris
Teks fungsional “procedure”
Disajikan teks fungsional pendek berbentuk Procedure, siswa dapat menyusun menjadi bentuk prosedure yang benar
Arrange the following sentences into a good order.
How to send email
(1) Type addressee’s email address on the text box To. On Subject, write your email subject. Then type your letter on Message box and click Send after you done.
(2) Type your username in the Yahoo! ID box and your password in the password box, and then click Sign in.
(3) Type the dominant email on address bar, (http:/ then press enter on keyboard, till login web main yahoo! Appears.
(4) The web mail Yahoo! Will appear after you have done login. Click Compose to write your email.
(5) Run Browser Opera on the main windows, then click new page tab.
The correct answer is ……………………..
a. 5 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
b. 5 – 3 – 2 – 4 – 1
c. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1
d. 3 – 4 - 1 – 5 – 2
Susunan yang benar adalah
5 – 3 – 2 – 4 - 1
Skl 12
We provide : 5 passenger each
Price :Rp. 25.000/hour
Can be rented 3 hours
Travel : around village
Office : Wijaya Kusuma 45
for further info : 08198976589
1. What does the advertisement tell about ?
a. Rent
b. Passenger
c. Carriage
d. Village
2. According to the advertisement, we can rent it………….
a. more than two hour
b. a day
c. as long as possible
d. more than an hour
3. How much do we pay when we rent it three hours?
a. Rp. 25.000
b. Rp. 50.000
c. Rp. 75.000
d. Rp. 100.000
New opening discount up to 25%
For three item : writing books, pens,
Pencils, beautiful pencil care, markers,
15% discount for, Dictionaries, papers, store books.
Please, come before the end of January.
4. What is the advertisement about?
a. food
b. clother
c. stationary
d. cuisine
5. What will happen if we come on 12th January?
a. We get all discount
b. There is no discount anymore
c. We get discount 15% only
d. The store will give nothing
Skl 13 letter
November 2nd 2009
Ampenan 92
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Dear Gani
How are you? We are fine and always hope you are fine, too.
Gani, when I first moved in the fifth year of Nurul Huda Elementary School, Semarang, I felt very clumsy. But because of my friends, we are chummy. They are kind friends.
At the Indonesian independent commemoration, my friends give me an opportunity to perform on the stage. I tried to perform my ability to read poem well. Wow, all of my friends were amazed and clapped their hands. Since then, all of my friends honor me.
I think that’s enough for now. Don’t forget to reply my letter, thank you.
Yours sincerely,
6. When did wawan write the letter?
a. on November 2nd 2009
b. after having a semester test
c. to day
d. on September 8th 2009.
7. Where does the writes study now?
a. In the fifth year
b. In another school
c. At Nurul Huda Elementary School
d. In Semarang
8. Why did all of wawan’s friends honor him? Because.………….
a. Wawan showed all of his ability in front of them
b. Wawan had a good talent to read poem
c. He was the cleverest boy of all friends in his class
d. He performed on the stage well
Complete this letter with the appropriate word.
Dear Mrs. Anita
I was pleased with the last best quality watch that I bought from your store. There fore, I am …….. (9) another watch for my father. Please send me the following item as soon as possible.
“ A best quality watch with serial number 29876 @Rp.599.999.”
I have enclosed a check for Rp.600.000. I expect to receive this order by this weekend. If it is not possible, please …………(10) me immediately.
9. a. to order
b. order
c. ordering
d. ordered
10. a. to inform
b. informing
c. informed
d. inform